Use ASIHTTPRequest for Async Http Request

// As a best practice all the HTTP requests to get some data or perform an operation over the network should be done in // an Asynchronous way (separate thread) to avoid the GUI be non-responsive // and not freeze while the http client is waiting for the response from the remote end. // This can be accomplished by creating a separate thread and doing the sync request/response there or easily // using a library like ASIHTTP that would abstract that for you. //Asychornous Http Request with ASIHTTP – (void) sendAndCallBack: (NSString *) restUrl withCallBack:(NSObject*) delegate { debugLog(@"in :sendAndCallBack"); ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString:restUrl]]; [request setDelegate: delegate]; [request setTimeOutSeconds:REQUEST_TIMEOUT]; [request setAllowCompressedResponse:NO]; [request setDefaultResponseEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [request startAsynchronous]; NSError *error = [request error]; if (!error) { NSString *response = [request responseString]; debugLog(@"Content %@",response); NSString *contentLength = [[request responseHeaders] objectForKey:@"Content-Length"]; for (id key in [request responseHeaders]) { NSLog(@"key: %@, value: %@", key, [[request responseHeaders] objectForKey:key]); } debugLog(@"Content %@",contentLength); int cl = [contentLength intValue]; int begin = [response length] – cl; debugLog(@"Content begin %d Length %d",begin ,cl); response = [response substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(begin, cl)]; debugLog(@"Response %@",response); } }

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