Find how many days it will take Jane to raise N amount for girl scouts

target = 500 cookiePackPrice = 15 popcornPackPrice = 10 cSoldMin = 4 cSoldMax = 5 pSoldMin = 2 pSoldMax = 3 minimum = int(round(target / (cookiePackPrice * cSoldMax + popcornPackPrice * pSoldMax))) maximum = int(round(target / (cookiePackPrice * cSoldMin + popcornPackPrice * pSoldMin))) print ("It will take " + str(minimum) + " to " + str(maximum) + " days to sell " + str(target) + " dollars worth of cookies at " + str(cookiePackPrice) + " dollars a pack and popcorn at " + str(popcornPackPrice) + " dollars a pack, if you sell " + str(cSoldMin) + " to " + str(cSoldMax) + " packs a day of cookies and " + str(pSoldMin) + " to " + str(pSoldMax) + " packs a day of popcorn.")

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