Product Suggestion

/* Idea: 1. Create a Trie (using the repository) where each TrieNode stores a map associating lowercase characters to children TrieNodes, and a priority queue storing products from the repository in reverse alphabetical order. 2. Call getTopKProducts(~) for all prefixes of customerQuery except the prefix with only the first character. Complexity: Let N = numProducts, L = the average length of products, LCQ = the length of customerQuery, Time: O(N * L + LCQ^2) O(N * L) is for building the Trie. O(LCQ^2) is for performning LCQ getTopKProducts(~) where the first takes O(2) and the last takes O(LCQ - 1). Space: O(N * L * L + N * L * LCQ) O(N * L * L) is for the Trie as there are at most N * L TrieNodes and each TrieNode stores a pq with at most 3 products, which is O(3 * L) = O(L). O(N * L * LCQ) is for the result since it could be a list of LCQ sublists, each of which has N strings of length L. */ public class SearchSuggestion { public static void main(String[] args) { int numProducts = 5; List<String> repository = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"mOBILE", "MouSE", "MoNEYPOT", "mONITOR", "MOUSEPAD"}); String userInput = "MoUSe"; SearchSuggestion searchSuggestion = new SearchSuggestion(); List<List<String>> result = searchSuggestion.suggestProducts(5, repository, userInput); System.out.println(result); } public List<List<String>> suggestProducts(int numProducts, List<String> repository, String customerQuery) { if (customerQuery == null || customerQuery.length() < 2) { return Collections.emptyList(); } TrieNode root = buildTrie(repository, 3); List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Time: O(LCQ^2), Space: O(N * L * LCQ) for (int i = 1; i < customerQuery.length(); i++) { result.add(getTopKProducts(root, customerQuery.substring(0, i + 1), 3)); } return result; } private List<String> getTopKProducts(TrieNode root, String prefix, int k) { List<String> products = new LinkedList<>(); TrieNode parent = root; for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length(); i++) { char c = Character.toLowerCase(prefix.charAt(i)); // comparison is case-insensitive TrieNode child = parent.children.get(c); if (child == null) { // null if 'prefix' is way too long or 'prefix' doesn't appear in the Trie return Collections.emptyList(); } parent = child; } Queue<String> topProducts = parent.topProducts; for (int i = 0; !topProducts.isEmpty() && i < k; i++) { products.add(0, topProducts.poll()); } for (String product : products) { // Put the top k products back to the pq parent.topProducts.offer(product); } return products; } private TrieNode buildTrie(List<String> repository, int k) { // Time: O(N * L), Space: O(N * L * L) TrieNode root = new TrieNode(); if (repository == null || repository.isEmpty()) { return root; } for (String product : repository) { // Build Trie using the repository if (product == null) { continue; } TrieNode parent = root; for (int i = 0; i < product.length(); i++) { char c = Character.toLowerCase(product.charAt(i)); // comparison is case-insensitive TrieNode child = parent.children.get(c); if (child == null) { child = new TrieNode(); parent.children.put(c, child); } child.topProducts.offer(product); // storing products at each TrieNode in O(1) if (child.topProducts.size() > k) { // keep the size of pq small child.topProducts.poll(); } parent = child; // Navigate to next level } } return root; } /** * TrieNode has * 1. a priority queue storing products sorted in reverse alphabetical order * 2. a map associating lowercase characters to TrieNodes */ private class TrieNode { Map<Character, TrieNode> children; PriorityQueue<String> topProducts; TrieNode() { children = new HashMap<>(); topProducts = new PriorityQueue<>((s1, s2) -> s2.toLowerCase().compareTo(s1.toLowerCase())); // comparison is case-insensitive } } }

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