Download a remote file at a URL and save it locally in PHP

<?php // URL of the file to download $url = ''; $result = downloadFile($url,"/tmp","cc-logo.png"); if ($result == true) { echo "ok"; } else { echo "error"; } /** * Function : Download a remote file at a given URL and save it to a local folder. * Input : * $url - URL of the remote file * $toDir - Directory where the remote file has to be saved once downloaded. * $withName - The name of file to be saved as. * Output : * true - if success * false - if failed * * Note : This function does not work in the Codelet due to network restrictions * but does work when executed from command line or from within a webserver. */ function downloadFile($url,$toDir,$withName) { // open file in rb mode if ($fp_remote = fopen($url, 'rb')) { // local filename $local_file = $toDir ."/" . $withName; // read buffer, open in wb mode for writing if ($fp_local = fopen($local_file, 'wb')) { // read the file, buffer size 8k while ($buffer = fread($fp_remote, 8192)) { // write buffer in local file fwrite($fp_local, $buffer); } // close local fclose($fp_local); } else { // could not open the local URL fclose($fp_remote); return false; } // close remote fclose($fp_remote); return true; } else { // could not open the remote URL return false; } } // end ?>

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