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Python Dictionary Exercises - II

keep going and mater them! @proexercises Python 3 

Python Dictionary Exercises - I

master dictionaries! @proexercises Python 3 

Spelling Bee

can you spell? Codercrunch! @proexercises

Pig Latin

guess what? you don't need to Latin! @proexercises

Rotate Elements

move in cycle order @proexercises

Zip Lists

combine list in alternative fashion @proexercises

CommandLine Expression Calculator

performs basic operations on two numbers! @proexercises

Dice Roll

simulate roll of dice! @proexercises

Tic Tac Toe (4 cells)

simple version of classic game! @proexercises

Tic Tac Toe Game Simulator

don't play just simulate! @proexercises
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