DHCP fundamental - How a computer gets its IP address? This video-based quiz covers all the essential questions about DHCP.

@introcomputer #Beginner 10 questions  


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Video based Quiz

Please watch the video and try to memorize the concepts before attempting the Quiz.

Notes for Quiz

  • DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
  • A DHCP Server is used to assign a dynamic IP address to a device (client).
  • A DHCP server's job is to assign a unique IP to each device on the network, thus avoiding the IP conflict.
  • A DHCP client and server uses UDP broadcast for communication
  • The following 4 steps are used between DHCP server and clients to allocate an IP address : DCHP discover > DHCP offer >DHCP request > DHCP ack.
  • The IP address assigned by a DHCP server to a client is for limited time. However the IP address can be renewed by the client again before the lease expires.

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