Apache Spark Quiz

Apache Spark works within Hadoop platform to speed up processing. Do you know Spark? This quiz covers Apache Spark fundamentals for beginners.

@firojmahmud #Beginner 14 questions  


  • Average Time    4 minutes
  • Average Points 1 pts
  • Views       6.1 k
  • Featured No
  • Takers         1233
  • Completed 1964

Video based Quiz

Please watch the video and try to memorize the concepts before attempting the Quiz.

Notes for Quiz

  • Apache Spark is a Fast and general-purpose cluster computing System.
  • It is faster than Hadoop.
  • Intended to handle large scale data.
  • Spark is build on top of Scala programming language.
  • Spark SQL construct structured data into CSV or JSON.
  • Hadoop is entirely dependent on MapReduce.
  • When DAG is created it does not compute or perform any actions unless an Action occurs.
  • Spark Context is the entry point of main function and allows to communicate with other nodes within cluster.
  • Worker node have many number of executors & Tasks.
  • Apache Mesos is a third party cluster manager.

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